Level 2 B/X Magic User Spells

Might as well keep going, here is a curated list of level 2 spells from 3.5e ready for your B/X game
Fog Cloud (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 30’
A fog streams from the caster’s fingertips.Area: The fog fills a 30’ diameter area.
  • Movement: The fog moves at 60’ per turn (20’ per round), driven by the wind (or away from the caster, in still conditions).
  • Sinking: Because the fog is heavier than air, it sinks to the lowest level of the land, even pouring down sink-hole openings.
  • Vision: Is obscured to 5’ within the area.
Hideous Laughter (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 120’
Causes one or more intelligent humans, demihumans, or human-like monsters to be paralyzed with laughter if they fail a saving throw versus spells. It may be cast in two ways:
  • Against an individual: The target’s saving throw is penalized by -2
  • Against a group: 1d4 individuals in the group are targeted.
  • Restrictions: Targets with greater than 4+1 HD are not affected.
  • Wandering Monsters: Each round that at least one target is under the effect of the spell a wandering monster check must be made with a monster appearing on 4-in-6.

Bull’s Strength (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: 12 turns
Range: Caster or creature touched
Make one human, demihuman, or human-like monster exceptionally strong. The target’s muscles swell
and they are treated as having a strength score of 18 for the duration.

Gust of Wind (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: Instant
Range: 120’
A violent blast of air originates from the caster either in a 10’ wide line. All unprotected light sources (i.e. candles, torches) are extinguished within the gust and protected light sources (i.e. lanterns) have a 3-in-6 chance of being extinguished. It will do anything a sudden blast of wind would be expected to do (kick up sand/dust, dispel fogs, overturn objects less than 100 lb, etc) and...
  • Smaller than human sized creatures are pushed backward their movement speed
  • Human sized creatures cannot move forward against the gust
  • Human sized or smaller flying creatures are sent hurtling backwards and take 1d6 damage per10’ traveled if striking a solid surface.
  • Larger than human sized creatures are unaffected
Shatter (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: Instant
Range: 20’ radius
Shatter all glass and crystalline objects within a 20’ radius of the caster. Magic items get a saving throw
but containers of magic items (like a potion vial) do not.

Magic Mouth (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: Permanent
Range: 120’
Imbue an object or creature with a magic mouth that will appear and speak four or less predetermined
sentences when the specific conditions are met as determined at the time of casting.

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