Level 3 B/X Magic User Spells

Magic Camp (3 rd level Magic User)
Duration: 48 turns
Range: 20’ radius
Creates a 20’ magical radius around a campsite that maintains it at room temperature, renders the
campsite (including smoke or fire) invisible, and makes it so noise from within the radius cannot be
heard outside of the radius. Any creature that enters the radius can immediately see and hear the camp.
See invisibility will reveal the campsite.

Gaseous Form (3 rd level Magic User)
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Caster or creature touched
One human, demihuman, or human-like monster becomes an insubstantial mist. In this form it cannot
attack or cast spells. It can fly 10’ per round but is subject to effects of wind. It can pass through the
smallest openings but cannot interact with objects (even those that became gaseous with it). It cannot
enter liquids.

Shrink Item (3rd level Magic User)
Duration: Permanent
Range: Object touched
One item may be shrunk to the size of a coin. The caster may return it to normal size with a command
word which dispels the spell.

 Stinking Cloud (3rd level Magic User)
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 30'
Noxious fumes stream from the caster's fingertips.
  • Area: The fog fills a 30' diameter area
  • Movement: The fog moves at 60' per turn (20' per round) driven by wind (or away from the caster in still conditions)
  • Sinking: Because the fog is heavier than air, it sinks to the lowest level of the land, even pouring down sink-hole openings.
  • Vision: Is obscured to 5' within the area
  • If caught in cloud: Save vs Poison, failure results in -2 to hit as long as they remain in the cloud +1d6 rounds

Level 2 B/X Magic User Spells

Might as well keep going, here is a curated list of level 2 spells from 3.5e ready for your B/X game
Fog Cloud (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 30’
A fog streams from the caster’s fingertips.Area: The fog fills a 30’ diameter area.
  • Movement: The fog moves at 60’ per turn (20’ per round), driven by the wind (or away from the caster, in still conditions).
  • Sinking: Because the fog is heavier than air, it sinks to the lowest level of the land, even pouring down sink-hole openings.
  • Vision: Is obscured to 5’ within the area.
Hideous Laughter (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 120’
Causes one or more intelligent humans, demihumans, or human-like monsters to be paralyzed with laughter if they fail a saving throw versus spells. It may be cast in two ways:
  • Against an individual: The target’s saving throw is penalized by -2
  • Against a group: 1d4 individuals in the group are targeted.
  • Restrictions: Targets with greater than 4+1 HD are not affected.
  • Wandering Monsters: Each round that at least one target is under the effect of the spell a wandering monster check must be made with a monster appearing on 4-in-6.

Bull’s Strength (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: 12 turns
Range: Caster or creature touched
Make one human, demihuman, or human-like monster exceptionally strong. The target’s muscles swell
and they are treated as having a strength score of 18 for the duration.

Gust of Wind (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: Instant
Range: 120’
A violent blast of air originates from the caster either in a 10’ wide line. All unprotected light sources (i.e. candles, torches) are extinguished within the gust and protected light sources (i.e. lanterns) have a 3-in-6 chance of being extinguished. It will do anything a sudden blast of wind would be expected to do (kick up sand/dust, dispel fogs, overturn objects less than 100 lb, etc) and...
  • Smaller than human sized creatures are pushed backward their movement speed
  • Human sized creatures cannot move forward against the gust
  • Human sized or smaller flying creatures are sent hurtling backwards and take 1d6 damage per10’ traveled if striking a solid surface.
  • Larger than human sized creatures are unaffected
Shatter (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: Instant
Range: 20’ radius
Shatter all glass and crystalline objects within a 20’ radius of the caster. Magic items get a saving throw
but containers of magic items (like a potion vial) do not.

Magic Mouth (2nd level Magic User)
Duration: Permanent
Range: 120’
Imbue an object or creature with a magic mouth that will appear and speak four or less predetermined
sentences when the specific conditions are met as determined at the time of casting.

Level 1 B/X Magic User Spells

Culled from the massive spell lists of 3e, here are some utilitarian spells that I thought maintained the old school vibe to expand spell selection in your B/X or B/X clone game.

Alarm (1st level Magic User)
Duration: 48 turns
Range: 20’ radius
Wards a 20’ radius area that alerts the caster whenever it is entered with an audible alarm. The caster may designate any number of creatures they can see at the time of casting who will not trip the alarm. The alarm will awaken sleeping creatures within 60’ but not creatures under the effects of the sleep spell. The alarm has a 1-in-6 chance of drawing a wandering monster.
Animate Rope (1st level Magic User) 
Duration: 2 turns
Range: 10’
The caster may command a rope to coil, knot, loop, or even slither across horizontal or vertical surfaces at a rate of 50’ per turn. The rope may be directed to entangle a single creature within 5’. Entangled creatures cannot move but can break free depending on their strength
  • Normal human range: Creature can break free in 2d4 turns
  • Magically augmented STR above 18: The creature can break free in 4 rounds
  • Giant Strength: The creature can break free in 2 rounds
Chill Touch (1st level Magic User)
Duration: Instant 
Range: Object or creature touched
The spell freezes whatever the caster touches.
  • Casting on a liquid surface: Freezes a 15’ radius about 4’’ deep that can support human weight.
  •  Hit: The caster can hit a creature in melee without an attack roll or saving throw.
  • Damage: The touch deals 1d8.
  • Higher level casters: At 6-10th level deal 3d8 damage; 11th-15th level deal 5d8 damage. Casting on liquid surfaces at higher levels doubles the radius and depth at levels 6-10, and triples at levels 11-15.

Disguise Self (1st level Magic User)

Duration: 1 day 
Range: 10’
The caster can their appearance and the appearance of their equipment to that of a similarly sized and shaped humanoid. Detect Invisible will reveal the deception.
Feather Fall (1st level Magic User)
Duration: 12 turns 
Range: 10’
The creature or object cast upon will fall at a constant rate of 12’ per minute (120’ per turn).
  • Casting on a flying creature: Feather Fall may be cast on a flying creature which renders it unable to fly for the duration. It will slowly descend to the ground at a rate of 2’ per round.
Grease (1st level Magic User) 
Duration: 6 turns 
Range: 50’
Covers a 15’ radius of a solid surface in a slick layer of nonflammable grease.
  • Within the area: All actions except crawling 5’ per round is impossible.
  • Casting on a creature: Grease may be cast upon a creature, which must save versus spells. If the save fails, the creature is coated in grease and cannot move or hold onto objects. If the save succeeds, the spell’s effect coats the area around the target in a 15’ radius that the creature may attempt to escape (at the reduced movement rate).
Jump (1st level Magic User) 
Duration: 1 turn 
Range: 60’
The creature cast upon can make a single leap with their next move that allows them to travel 360’ (120’) in any direction.

Priory of the Sunstruck - Number of Rooms & Room 7

I write constantly but I never publish anything because its not done, and its not done because its not good enough. I'm trying to get ou...