B/Xing the 3e Monster Manual: Ankheg, Aranea, Archon

"Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly..."

Araneas are more commonly known as Werespiders but they are not true lycanthropes. They are hospitable, kind, and frequently excellent cooks. The old grandmother in the woods and the village baker who gives pastries to orphans are both Araneas.


AC 7 (12), HD 4** (20hp), Att 1x Bite (1d6 + poison), or Web, THAC0 19 (+3), 
MV 150’ (50’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML 8, AL C, XP 275, NA 1 (1), TT B (in lair)
  • Poison: Save vs Death or die in 2d4 rounds.
  • Web: As spell (at-will)
  • Illusory Appearance: Araneas are spider/human hybrids who's true forms are perpetually hidden by an illusion which depicts them as kindly old souls. Magic that penetrates illusions sees through this. Additionally, Aranea always detect as evil.
  • Spells: Charm Person, Hold Portal, Sleep, Mirror Image
  • Description: Fat, jolly, and always has a sweet treat on hand to offer its victims. Why does their smile look predatory?
  • Combat: An Aranea will always avoid combat preferring to charm, separate, and incapacitate its victims.
  • Avoid: Don't accept sweet treats from strangers (an Aranea's are always poisoned

In deserts the Ankheg is one of the most feared predators. Death due to stumbling into an Ankheg's trap is swift. Even if travelers survive the initial attack, help is a horizon away.

AC 4 (15), HD 6+1** (28hp), Att 1x Bite (1d8 + poison), or Breath THAC0 13 (+6), 
MV 150’ (50’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML 9, AL N, XP 950, NA 1 (1d4), TT E
  • Surprise: 4-in-6 if stepping on 20x20 Ankheg pit (detect traps will reveal pit)
  • Poison: Save vs Paralyze or paralyzed 2d4 rounds.
  • Breath: 3/day 60' line of acid (damage = current HP)
  • Description: A huge armored ant with oversized mandibles dripping with acid. Describe all its claws, jaws, hooks, and spikes.
  • Combat: When stepping into an Ankheg pit the victim will tumble into the waiting jaws of the Ankheg. It will paralyze and drag as many victims as it can into its pit. It generally only uses its acid as self defense if overwhelmed.
  • Avoid: Ankhegs are ambush hunters and will not stray far from their lairs, even in pursuit of prey. Avoiding their pits is usually enough to skirt an encounter with an Ankheg.
Archon's are basically angels, but the Lantern Archon has some teeth that can be extrapolated into something interesting.  "A ball of glowing light floats toward you." Not everything in the dungeon is evil, sometimes when virtuous souls die in the dungeon they become Archons. The trouble is, the Archon believes that everything in the dungeon is evil... 

AC 3 (16), HD 1+2 (6hp), Att 1x Radiant Light (1d8) THAC0 18 (+1), 
MV 180’ (60’) fly, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 12, AL L, XP 25, NA 1d6 (0), TT None
  • Radiant Light: 60' range, the blast of light deals searing damage.
  • Radiant Aura: All metal within 30' of an Archon is effected by the Heat Metal spell.
  • Description: A warm glow, like a lit hearth, shatters the darkness at the end of the hall. Why does it look so inviting?
  • Combat: Archons shoot first and ask questions later. They will attempt to stay out of melee range and drive intruders out of their dungeon level.
  • Avoid: It is possible to convince an archon that a party is not evil (although generally not before it gets off a few shots). If successful an Archon will guide the party through its dungeon level and reveal all secrets. However, an Archon will never leave its dungeon level.

Keep on the Borderlands Play Report 1

Quite a while ago I had started Keep on the Borderlands with my kids and we made it through the goblin section before trailing off. Since th...