Empty Rooms

 I did the math on Dungeon23 based on the dungeon stocking B/X rules.
1-2: Empty (Treasure 1-in-6)
3-4: Monster (Treasure 3-in-6)
5: Special (No Treasure)
6: Trap (Treasure 2-in-6)
Taking these probabilities across 365 rooms, your distribution would look like this:

I am about 41 days behind, but thankfully I think I can catch up because there are 101 Empty Rooms that I can work on! I am using the Dungeon23 challenge to convert some of my home campaign notes and practice the OSE house style as I (grudgingly) have found that it is intuitive to use at the table. Without further ado, let's knock out a few empty rooms!

Cut stone (moss covered, crumbling). Rusted portcullis (black iron, bars shaped like snakes). Brass bell (hung to the left, missing clapper). Gargoyle face (top center, long nose, buck teeth, horn nubs).
=>Look inside: Dark 30' square chamber. Winch (lifting mechanism) to the inside right of the door. A wooden door is directly across from the portcullis (west).
=>Strike bell: The gargoyle's mouth moves and speaks: "Ding dong. Oops, only death resides here." It then descends into cackling laughter. If struck again, the message repeats.
Stone blocks (dry, walls, ceiling 8' high). Shelves (wooden, built in, lined with cheese wheels). Straw (covers floor).
=>Investigate cheese: It has aged far too long and is hard as rock. The wax flakes away.
=>Search in straw: A trapdoor to X is hidden under the straw.
Carved stone (dripping, 30' vaulted ceiling). Stone pews (crumbling, flecks of red paint remain). Crystal alter (deep purple, natural but shaped). Tapestries (cover walls, tattered except for one).
=>Investigate pews: It appears that many have been intentionally smashed
=>Investigate alter: The crystal appears to grow naturally from the floor. Unbreakable.
=>Investigate tapestry: The one tapestry which has not resigned itself to time depicts a deranged goat eating the moon. It is an illusion concealing a passage to X.
Excavated stone (20' deep, 10' across, sheer sides). Filled with bones (humanoid and animal).
=>Search pit: Among the bones there is a key ring with an iron key, a brass key, and bone key.
And that's it for today.  Now I'm only 37 days behind...

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